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We Want to Make Great Coffee a Formality

Unite the comunity

This website has as main goal to unite all coffee lovers in one single place.


The website is designed in three sections, TALK, SHOP, LEARN. Navigate and discover the different sections.

Better Coffee, Better World

We want beginners to find all resources possible to be in measure to become amazing baristas, and experts to share their knowledge and perfect their skills.

About Us

We are three healthcare professionals, who throughout the years, have slowly developped a great taste for coffee. As students, as you may have guessed, our allnighters were strictly driven by caffeine. It was the spark that has ignited our love for coffee. 

Coffee isn’t simply a passion for us, it became an addiction. Initially, we had no espresso machines, and were fascinated by latte art artists on the gram.  We tried a bunch of stuff, but failed miserably every time. We were lost. 

Then came the time of learning, trial and error… A lot of errors. We spent hours, if not days watching youtube tutorials, trying to get it right.

That’s why we have decided to create this website, to encourage all coffee addicts across the globe to help each other, and perfect their skills.

Another goal was for us to make barista equipment more affordable. In the shop section, you will find fair price articles, to help beginners get started, and experts make savings.

We hope you enjoy your experience visiting our website.


The Clinician Baristas